Games I Played In December
Okay so different name, last one is Stix Game Corner 1 this way its like slightly easier to understand. Though in a year like... idk what ill do lol.
Also I realized I didn't really explain what this is. This is NOT reviews of these games, I just want to introduce people to these games. Do to how I am they will likely be short analysis driven talks about each game and themes and how I felt while I played them. I do not see myself as a critic, nor do I have any want to be one. I just enjoy talking about art that moved me.
link: Dujanah by Jack King-Spooner
Heads-up: This game has very harsh visuals, giving this information out to you as it could be a reason to avoid it sadly.
Images will be screenshots from youtube videos, as i just wanted to play the game. I had no plans to write about it as I was unsure if it would hit me so hard. Well clearly it really did. I finished the game two days ago as of writing this, I still feel like I'm at a loss for words but I will try to get it all out in a short manner. I will also probably be some what vague.
The opening to this game has left me truly speechless. I wont spoil it for others, because I think its truly at its strongest if you experience it. After the opening scene you are in a house with your mother, you speak with her about your grief. How you miss them so, its the agony of a thousand exploding suns.

"Perhaps revenge is what I seek."
"A moth does not care when she sees flame"
These lines stuck with me heavily, She knowns in her heart what is wrong. She knows why they have been gone for weeks. It doesn't stop her grief, and her mother tells her that seeking that is like a moth to a flame.
You have a few tasks in the game, each one gets you closer to your end goal. As you learn about the where abouts and what happened, you learn about the people of this land. If the picture didn't make it clear, you play Dujanah, a mother, a wife. You live in a fantasy middle eastern state which is currently occupied by the west. I say the west as the flags being flown are a mixture of the british and american flags.
Small aside, I wont get too much into.
This game made me really think about how I engage with other pieces of art, and how they engage with foreign people and concepts. I won't get too deep into this as it is not the main point of the game, but the way the game handled its subject matter is done beutifully, and from my knowledge was very deliberate as not other middle eastern countries or people.
Back to the art piece.
Knowing what happened to Dujanah's family members, I think helps you to really understand more how she is feeling. She doesn't know but she also does. It also helps you to understand her wish for revenge, It puts you in this place of wanting the same thing she wishes she could have.
But that's not what kind of game this is. This game is about a lot of things, and maybe one day I will sit down and give it a blog post all its own that it truly deserves once I am ready to fully analyse it completely.
This game is not about revenge. It is about death, and love, and life, and coming to terms with the end. Especially how hard that is. Please check it out if you have the time.
Off The Clock
link: Off The Clock by Honza Vávra
Ever wanted to save the world?
This game is an adorable little traditional point-and-click game! Its hand painted and looks gorgeous. I don't have a whole lot to say about it as its only about 20-30 minutes of game. That isn't a downside though.
I grew up on those childhood point-and-click adventure games like putt putt, or freddi fish. So while i never played the obvious ones this is emulating I still really enjoyed it and had my own feeling of nostalgia as I played. I highly recommend.
I really don't have much analysis here sadly. Your an engineer, who has come to a party, and then swiftly learn you arent actually permitted to enter because "everyone believes" you aren't a people person. On top of not being a good "face" for the company. I could of course form some deep philosophical analysis where one is not needed. I can talk up a storm, i really could.
I'm not going to though because I just wanted to share this beautiful game and art.
Acouple Bitsy Games
Because bitsy games are so small I will mostly just be giving a brief description of a piece instead of some full insight. I just want people to go and experience them because thats how their meant to be experience.
link: GOD, I WANT TO BE DEEP. by miniwoolf
link: GOD, I WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD by miniwoolf
GOD, I WANT TO BE DEEP; and GOD, I WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD are both short poems, about being an artist and their wants as an artist. I can really connect with them both as an artist and the emotions they convey. I think their done beautifully and worth checking out.
you are home.
link: you are home. by Ryan Amorim
you are home, is a short interactive experience, where you clean your house. Its very cute and simple, as are most bitsy games. The theme is pretty clear and I can definitely relate to it.
link: Adrift by buzzerbeater
A drift is about being lost at sea. The theme is clear, the way it talks about being in a stormy place, to come out the other side with someone. The little connections you make and where they go from there. Its well made and really cute.
Love Every Trans Woman You Meet Before It's Too Late.