You know there's other shit I want to talk about? I would like to not just talk about the incoming fascist oligarchy that wishes to ruin America to rubble in the name of capital gain and Nazi rhetoric. Here I am though.
This is 3 rants that get increasingly angrier as they go, They are disjointed and only somewhat fit together into a big picture. So I can finally write about something else in my next post. Because I am tired of writing about these fuckers, so hopefully the next post is not about fascism but about life.
Part 1: The Inauguration.
I have started writing this January 20th, the night of Trump's inauguration into his second term as president.
Saved by God
I guess we are in the era of Bush speech again, a man who won't even swear in on the Bible knows exactly what to say to get the Christo-fascist to cheer him on.
If Bush was "talking to God," then sure, Trump, you were "saved by God." Surely it wasn't the fact that the idiot was kicked from his school's shooting club for being such a shit shot. No god willed the bullet to instead graze his ear and strike some random in the crowd. Nice job, God! Don't try to save the other person from the bullet, though; you know that's too much work.
If God will allow whole strips of land to be bombarded for months on end in the name of his chosen people. Then yeah, I'm sure he talks to war criminals and saves fascists.
If the Christian God is real, he left us long ago. Because no way would an all-powerful being truly not finally take a stance against the people smearing his name across the world. No way would an all-powerful being just allow a fascist to slander his name while not believing in him for the world to see.
No, that wasn't a "Roman salute."
You're going to hear a couple of different takes on Elon and his little Nazi salute.
Anyone telling you that it was a "Roman salute" is purposely trying to change how the salute is seen by the general public. Do not allow them to even push this stupid narrative. Do not take this narrative as anything other than purposeful obfuscation.
Nazis do not like when you call them Nazis. They want you to use the terms they coin, "alt-right" or other similar idiotic things. This is done to make them seem like a more genuine and serious political party than what they actually are.
Nazis want to be taken seriously when they are just little fucking losers. To be taken seriously, though, they have to infiltrate how we talk and interact with the world. Often you will hear about the Overton window, and I think it's fine to use that, so with it in mind. Nazi's goals are to pull the Overton window towards their beliefs. This is done through a couple of methods; one of the first was the whole "debate me, bro" bullshit that happened during the first Trump presidency. Other forms of this are using different coded language to seem less Nazi-like. You get the fuckin point. Calling that anything other than a Nazi salute is trying to normalize Nazism and their symbology.
No, it wasn't his "autism." That's fucking stupid. No, it wasn't an "awkward hand gesture" ADL, you fucking Zionist pussies. It was a Nazi salute.
"Roman Salute" Doesn't exist.
I don't play this "well, actually" bullshit. I don't entertain talking points that have no stance. However:
The Roman salute was popularized hundreds of years after the Roman Empire had fallen by an artist. It has no real historical connection to Romans. Similar to horns on Viking helmets.
This doesn't matter either way, because who do we know that used the "Roman salute"? Who is the most associated with the salute done? The Nazis.
They cheered him on.
Thousands of people were at that inauguration. Thousands of people watched that loser do that salute. Thousands of them cheered that man on as he did a Nazi salute on the national stage. In front of national television.
We watched a room full of Nazis cheer a Nazi on. I hope that truly sinks in for people.
Part 2: TikTok.
If you weren't aware, this is your signal for how America is now.
"TikTok" Ban isn't just about TikTok.
The bill that was signed gives the American government the ability to force a company to sell to an American company or be banned in the United States. TikTok was just the example app, alongside Lemon8 and Capcut. One of those apps, as of writing, is still not back on the app store... CapCut for some reason?
Anyways, only governments trying to hide things from their citizens ban shit. Whether that is books, movies, art, games, or software and apps. They want to cut you off from whatever it is.
Now TikTok went dark for a total of 14 hours; once back, we were welcomed by a message thanking "President Trump" for working with them, a day before his inauguration. I don't think them going dark was a stunt, but I do think the message that was added was absolutely a stunt.
Trump started the ban
In his first term in 2020, because TikTok was a place that was ultimately against him, he wanted to ban the app. This didn't go through then, but it started the conversation for later.
Ultimately, it would end in the bill we have now, which has passed all the way through to even the Supreme Court upholding it. Trump has now realized how good of a propaganda machine this app would be for him and has instead given them 90 more days to figure it out. He wants a 50% American holdership for it to not be banned.
I don't trust this; I'm watching with bated breath to see what the hell this looks like for TikTok, to find out who they give that to and whether it means I'm leaving the platform or not.
This ban is censorship. Banning an app where millions of Americans get their news, connect with others, and use for community is censorship. Yes, I believe that Meta has been a part of the reason for the ban through lobbying. However, I know that part of this ban started because of the way Americans became so aware, overnight basically, of Palestine. The connection makes the most sense.
That connection knowing how Zionist the American state is and how much it opened the people's eyes to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza during this genocide. The dots connect far more than just "Meta lobbying the government."
They then used their xenophobia of China to fuel the ban. That xenophobia, which clearly does not work on the people who use TikTok. Indicating by them jumping ship to a full-on Chinese-made app and immediately getting more radicalized by how much they have been lied to about Chinese people.
They have said that if the ban goes through, they want to keep it open to federal agents in America so they can gain information and news. So why are they wanting to cut that off for the rest of us? Other than censorship?
Become Tech Literate.
I am on my hands and knees begging you to learn even the tiniest bit about your technology in your hand. Learn about cybersecurity. Lock down your shit and learn how to actually protect yourself online.
I got into this late; I understand it's not easy; everything has your data. Please begin learning, though. This era of techno-fascist losers taking over is bad; Americans (and really most of the world) live in a surveillance state. You are constantly being watched off and online. Learn to protect yourself in both worlds as the rise of fascism becomes more and more evident; it's not too late.
This is just a rant because I'm tired of you fuckers so much.
Give an inch, they take a mile.
Israel has FINALLY agreed to a ceasefire; this is in part, very, very little because of Trump. He has told them to get it done, and they have actually done it. Israel almost still didn't as Hamas was slightly late on releasing the names of the hostages that would be released.
Celebrate, be happy for Palestinians, and continue to support them through this as they are hopefully able to rebuild.
Holy shit, if I have to hear another leftist say some stupid, "Wow, guys, he kinda switched up here," or some other bullshit to go that he is the lesser of two evils on the Palestinian genocide, You are praising a man for nothing.
That man knows how to get people to talk good about him, and getting you to talk good about him for this is the goal.
His whole fucking goal is to prop himself up as good for the world. AND WHEN YOU PRAISE HIM FOR ANYTHING, IT HELPS THAT IMAGE OF HIM. I know, or at least HOPE you fuckers aren't stupid enough to truly fall for this shit.
Back to TikTok
This is also why I am not happy about Shou, the CEO of TikTok, praising Trump and the little message praising Trump. That man started this shit, and now for some, he will be paraded around as a hero for saving an app from censorship.
You give this man an inch, and he will take 10 fucking miles. He does this shit not because he actually fucking cares, but for political fucking gain.
It is Fuck Trump till I'm blue in the face; it's Fuck Fascist till I'm six feet under. I will never praise that fuck for anything.
Part 4: Trying to pull it all together.
Don't Despair.
Get fucking angry. Stop letting them make you into a sad heap of sorrow and hollowness. They want you to feel like you can't do anything.
It's a war of attrition.
They are going to do a lot of dumb fucking shit to wear you down. To tire you out. You don't have to pay attention to it all. Some things are more important than others, and that's what you need to know to spot. When something isn't just random bullshit to hurt you.
Train yourself to ignore the small, meaningless, dumb shit, like "renaming the Gulf of Mexico." It is specifically MEANT to get you to have that exact feeling you had reading that.
Resist these fuckers every step of the way; push back in every way you possibly can.
Anything other than total resistance is accepting fascism.
Anarchist Calisthenics
This is a concept that was almost ruined by TikTok, but luckily the 12-hour ban fucked them up and didn't let it become a big thing.
The concept is hyping up yourself by breaking small stupid laws, like jaywalking. So that you may, if the time ever comes, have the courage to break a big law. Because if the time comes, you can't seize up; you can't hold back. If the time calls, you have to be prepared.
It's like a muscle, and by training it with small, silly laws that no one cares about, other than maybe a glare or waggling a finger at you, then you will be able to break a larger law in the future when the time calls for it.
ICE raids in America are said to be starting on the 21st, so tomorrow as of writing, but either today or yesterday as of posting.
I am going to give you the two words to scream if you see ICE agents are in the area.
La Migra
Scream that shit as loud as possible; let everyone in the area that needs to know know that ICE is around.
Know your rights. Study up on them. And SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Do not talk to cops. Asking how your day is? Shut the fuck up. Asking why they stopped you? Shut the fuck up. Asking about people you know? SHUT THE FUCK UP. You have the right to remain silent, and you will use that right to its fullest fucking extent.
The ONLY thing you should ever say to a cop is you want to speak to an attorney if you are being detained. Other than that, keep your mouth shut. They don't need to know anything other than what you're required to give them. Read up on local laws, and know your rights.
Don't Talk to Cops.
Don't Comply in Advance
Don't comply at all. Do not give them the ground.
Further Reading
Read up on anarchist calisthenics here, and more even.
Looking at specifically how it talks about morale here.
NLG Know Your Rights Reminder: Shut the f**k up (video)
Love Every Trans Woman You Meet Before It's Too Late.