transbunny gif

i love weird art feb 2025

Take this as Februaries "games I played" but im talking about just art I love that I found or have been listening too. I may drop some thoughts but dont expect analysis of the art here. I am JUST sharing cool shit you should check out.


Perverts YT Music Perverts is the newest album from Ethel Cain, came out in January but it is one of my favorite albums in recent. Its a mix of very experimental 10-15 minute tracks, with less experimental tracks in between.

Ethel Cain is an artist I love and respect and this album is so good. The whole album is a strong piece about identity, sexuality, guilt, and religion. When it came out my other friend who is into Ethel Cain said they dont see themselves listening to experimental tracks just on their own, I agreed, but since then ive definitely listened too them on their own.

I already love to make weird art (clearly) but i think this album has gotten me to start looking into making weird music as well recently.


Entwined BandCamp Unofficial YT Video This is another experimental album I found in the last couple weeks. I'm probably atleast 50 of the views on that video. I really dont have any analysis here. I just really loved the sounds and how this album is. Its really good!

Chongqing Punk

Chongqing Punk YT A friend shown me these guys in January and I have watched every god damn post of theirs. Undeniably I love their stuff. They just kinda talk, somewhat vaguely about life. Their fun to watch, and genuinely enjoy the experience of watching and what they do.


TIME I think all this persons animations are really cool. I think the medium they have chosen being minecraft animations is super unique. Their clearly not made in minecraft, but the subject material of them is always really interesting. Their kinda creepy but not in the same way I think that minecraft ARG's try to be.

TIME is about a player falling through a portal into the end on a boat. In their time on the ship. We see them reminisce about the past briefly, and hallucinate. They however are stuck to time.

Everything Will Be Okay & Every Night, I Talk To God.

Everything Will Be Okay every night, i talk to god. I, like others in the comments, think these are connected.

Everything will be okay, is a short video where the bunny is visited by a version of him in the future. This version of himself tells him everything will be okay, and even though he feels everything is falling apart. That it will turn him into someone to be proud of. I think its a very sweet little animation.

every night, i talk to god, is a slightly longer animation where a grown up version of the bunny is met by this large entity at night on the side of the hill. The bunny is smoking a bowl and the entity tries to talk horribly about the protagonist, to no effect.

Together they make a really cool little two part (so far) series. I think the second video is more about him finding vices for the feelings he has about himself.


IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS THE SPECTRUM I don't have words for this so im gonna have to just let it speak for itself, either you enjoy it or you dont.


2 GOOD 2 GIRL 2 GUN Whats a post by me without a little propaganda. This shit just goes fucking hard. Hand in Hand, together we scream, Fix Your Heart or Die.

Whole Artist

I recently got back into glitch art and databending. I know some people just straight up hex edit which hell yeah. My ass does not understand that data shit. Thats why I use Audacity. But I posted it on bluesky and it got some eyes and made me see some cool artist, so im just gonna share a few artist ive found


This persons art is super cool, i love the colors and the line work. Genuinely super cool

Thomas Richards

Some really cool ass art on their page, super nice.


their account requires a login, but i really enjoyed their stuff aswell!


Update to me :3 im the most important person here. I know its mostly friends who read these, (though apparently some people on bsky do aswell??? so yay)

I have so many ideas for blog posts, i have one finished but idk if im happy with it. Then i have a shit tone to do for the next "Kill the x in your head" post. I am enjoying that series of posts though. I just want to take a break in between so i dont hate them by the end cause their kinda long af lol

I might be going to a circus in 2 weeks so if i go missing i found my new calling.

In 2 months i am going to an amigo the devil concert I will likely take pictures of both and who knows make a blog post about it or something idfk.

Other than that i am also working on a new game... i probably wont make a blog post about it ngl i kinda started to hate doing that. I like making little short form posts showing it off that i do on my bsky, so if you want to see that probabyl look there, unless i feel like making short form little dumb blog posts between these for that but idk yk its hard to say with me lol.

Love Every Trans Woman You Meet Before It's Too Late.