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Creation of the Elder Beast

This is an excerpt from a longer piece on the goddess Doxa, this chapter is about her and Fysi, and the creation of the Elder Beast

Doxa stood in the grand chamber of the hall, surrounded by her fellow gods. Fysi had called for a trial against Doxa, not unlike ones she had called before. The crime, stepping in and protecting man from another beast that would have destroyed a village. Kaiosy, the only demi-god in the room was front and center of the hearing.

"Must we really do this again Fysi?" Kaiosy looked to the wildmother, clearly tired of dealing with the hearings.

"Child she has continued to meddle in the lives of man despite us asking her to stop, she kills my children. I think it is high time we make her stop." Fysi's voice was soft, but harsh at the same time.

"Correct we have asked, because there is no crime being committed, she has not attacked one of our own. She has not stolen from us. You say she kills the creatures yet man says she protects them. I am meant to stop that? If she did not, they would." Kaiosy looked to Doxa. "I ask you to stop, once again."

Doxa stood, arms crossed. "And I tell you once again, I will not. Until they can protect themselves from these monsters, I will protect and teach them how."

Kaiosy shrugged and turned back to Fysi. "We are back to square one. I do not intend on keeping this going longer than I must. Find a way to stop her yourself, or I will revoke your right to call trial against Doxa."

Fysi was furious, to her this was injustice. Kaiosy's word was final in the court however despite her stature as a lesser god. The bastard child to her own husband had spoken out against her once again. "Fine child. I will take this into my own hands." Fysi replied, hiding the anger behind her calmer tone. The court was called to close, the Gods stepped down from their pedestals as they all where there to bare witness to the court. *** Doxa would watch the villages closely the coming days. She was unsure what Fysi would pull to spite her. Many of the villages could hold their own already thanks to Doxa. That did not stop her from worrying.

While she watched, Fysi was working on a solution. Fysi would decide on making the oldest beast of all the beast races an elder beast. While unable to make them invincible she used her power to make the elder beast more powerful. Their hide stronger than the rest of their species, their powers far deadlier.

It would happen. Doxa wasn't sure how long it had taken but she could see something on the horizon of a small village. The hunter god was quick, passing between the realms she was in the village in only a few moments. The people cheered and celebrated the return of their protector. She would warn them all to return to the safety of their homes. With her presence many listened and quickly hid from the coming battle. Some brave souls would stand with her however, early beast hunters. She would warn them of the dangers of the coming battle, that she had no clue how bad it would be, and still they stayed by her side.

The form she took during her visits was larger than regular people. Giving her a genuine larger than life presence amongst the people. She readied herself as the beast rampaged toward the village. The hunters spread out, they could feel the energy coming off the Elder beast. They soon realized this was worse than they knew. Many would run to warn the villagers hiding, ready to evacuate the villagers.

Doxa fired arrow after arrow against the elder beast, the majority skimmed off or merely created flesh wounds. She dropped her bow and held up her shield in time for the beast to ram into her. All the breathe in her was knocked out as she was flung backwards. Sliding across the ground as the beast reared up for another attack. The hunters that stuck around began unleashing arrows at the beast from the side to distract it. No one wanted to get close to this thing. Doxa was worried, though she would try her best to not show it.

She got her self up and shook off the pain running forward. The ground would quake from the fight, villagers where watching in horror as the beast went blow for blow with Doxa. The people where quickly trying to evacuate as the battle was near the village.

Doxa had anticipated something bad, this was worse. For this beast could even match a god.

Doxa would come out victorious, bloodied and tired, but victorious. She would give the body to the village as she always did, though for once she took a keepsake. She took the horn of the elder beast, to later build a spear from. She would return back to the realm of the gods, to only meet Fysi waiting for her.

"Your experiment was a failure." Doxa huffed out.

"At least now, they have a fighting chance." Fysi replied looking over Doxa.

"Man will adapt and learn to fight it."

"I don't doubt that."

Doxa would shrug it off, she was ready to fight again quickly. She was also ready to help teach man again.